Can’t download or update RideRove

If you can’t download or update RideRove from the Google Play Store, it's probably due to one of the following error codes:

  • "There's insufficient space on the device"
  • "This app is incompatible with your Android Device"
  • "This item isn't available in your country"
  • Other error codes

Learn more about each of these below.

"There's insufficient space on the device"

If you're unable to install RideRove due to insufficient space on your device, try to clear Google Play Store's cache and data:

  1. Go to your device's Settings, then tap Apps > Google Play Store > Storage > Clear cache.
  2. Tap Clear data > Delete
  3. Restart your device, then try installing RideRove again.

If you're still unable to install RideRove, try the following:

  • Delete data and apps you no longer use.
  • Move data and apps to your external SD card.
  • Clear cached data by opening your phone's Settings > Apps > RideRove > Storage > Clear cache.

A minimum of 1 GB of free space is recommended when installing or updating apps.

"This app is incompatible with your Android Device"

Read about supported Android devices in this article.

"This item isn’t available in your country"

If an error says the app isn’t available in your country and the Google Play Help troubleshooting tips don't resolve your issue, visit this page. Here, you can download RideRove as an APK file and update the app. When opening the APK file, you'll need to tap SETTINGS > Allow from this source.

Other error codes

For error codes: 413, 481, 491, 492, 505, 907, 910, 921, 927, 941 and DF-DLA-15

  1. Remove your Google account by going to your device's Settings. Then tap Accounts and backup > Manage accounts.
  2. Select your Google account and tap Remove account > Remove account.
  3. Restart your device or turn it off and on.
  4. Re-add your Google account by going to your device's Settings. Then tap Accounts and backup > Add account > Google.
  5. Log in to your Google account.
  6. Clear Google Play Store's cache by going to your device's Settings. Then tap Apps > Google Play Store > Storage > Clear cache.
  7. Clear Google Play Store's data by tapping Clear data > Delete.
  8. Try downloading RideRove again.

For error codes: 101, 498 and 919

Please follow the instructions in the section "There's insufficient space on the device" and try installing RideRove again.

For error codes: 403, 495, 504, 911, 920, 923, RPC errors, invalid package file, installation or download unsuccessful errors

  1. Follow the instructions in the section "There's insufficient space on the device" to make sure you have enough space on your device.
  2. Tap hereTap Download now.
  3. Open the APK file to initiate the installation.
    • Note: When opening the APK file, you'll need to tap Settings > Allow from this source.

For error code: 490

  1. If you're using cellular data, please try to download RideRove on Wi-Fi only.
  2. If that doesn't work, go to your device's Settings > Apps > Google Play Store > Mobile Data > Turn on Allow background data usage.
  3. If the above tips don't work, try clearing Google Play Store's cache by going to your device's Settings. Then tap Apps > Google Play Store > Storage > Clear cache.
  4. Clear Google Play Store's data by tapping Clear storage > Delete.
  5. Try downloading RideRove again.

If your issue isn't listed above, please check Google Play Help for specific troubleshooting steps.